CSR Label

With the help of various scientific experts and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) professionals, ALMA CERTIF has set up 4 levels of qualification for the CSR performance of organisations: from basic commitment to excellence, which is the highest level of performance.
The questionnaire, designed for all types of organisation, is based on the guidelines of the ISO 26000 standard and reviews the 7 central issues of social responsibility addressed by this standard, but summarised under 5 headings.
As ALMA CERTIF's historical niche, the prevention and security sector benefits exclusively from a questionnaire tailored to the challenges of the safety and security professions.

Would you like to obtain your CSR Label?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.


We also award two labels: the ALMA CERTIF CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) label and the ALMA CERTIF Responsible Purchasing label for your products and services, following a performance assessment specific to each label.

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