
Chaque auditeur ALMA CERTIF est agréé suite à un processus de qualification préalable sur dossier, suivi d’un test écrit et enfin, d’un entretien de sélection final.

Notre choix d’auditeurs respecte également les exigences déontologiques, éthiques et professionnelles du référentiel ISO 19011. Above all, we take into account the experience and skills of each candidate in relation to the fields of application of the organisations and the professions to be audited.

Our technical department uses appropriate software published by our partner SYMALEAN to ensure optimised management of our audit programmes, in accordance with standards ISO 17021 and to simplify the task of our auditors.

Le renouvellement annuel de l’agrément des auditeurs s’opère à la fois compte tenu de l’appréciation des clients audités mais aussi de l’évaluation annuelle de notre direction technique.

Each time, our certification committees carefully examine the reports produced by the various auditors working for our customers. The aim of our expertise is to make our audits a performance lever for the audited organisations, who are invited at the end of the audits to give their opinion on the way our assignment has been carried out.

The approach that leads to certification to ISO standards is based on the principle of the DEMING wheel. This principle consists of each organisation engaging in a cycle of continuous improvement through 4 stages: planning, implementation, control and the taking of new decisions..

It is this periodic process, represented by the figure below, that enables each organisation to achieve the expected results from its quality, safety, environmental or other policies. It is through the « P.D.C.A » that each organisation can bring its management system to life and guarantee its performance, effectiveness and compliance.

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